From the Founder
Where it all began
Heather McDowall label went from side hustle, to being stocked in Myer and The Iconic.But the road to success wasn’t an easy one, filled with setbacks, sleepless nights and costly mistakes.
Let me rewind.
I’ve always felt at home in the fashion industry. Back in Tasmania, I completed my Diploma of Clothing + Textiles + Fashion Production and was awarded the Best Emerging Fashion Designer and People’s Choice Award.
In Hobart, I had a side business making clothes and millinery while I worked my full time job. My pieces started winning awards, which was a sign I was heading in the right direction.

My new motto.. “Get Fired Get Inspired”
My heart pulled me to Sydney, where I started working two jobs as well as my side hustle in millinery. Then something unfortunate and amazing happened. I was fired from both jobs in the same week.
Was this a turn of fate - pushing me where I needed to go in taking my side-business full time?
I decided it was.
I went all in on my hat making, and was soon picked up by The Iconic, as well as other boutiques around New Zealand and Australia.
In that first year, my retail order was 500 pieces. In my second year, it doubled.

And so did my resting heart rate.
I was working 18 hours a day, and my stress induced alopecia had returned.
Some people get cold sores when they’re stressed, but not me….I get bald patches.
I was going under… physically, financially and emotionally. Even my anxiety was giving me anxiety.
Moving production overseas...
I decided my only move was to outsource production overseas, but when the packages arrived, my heart sank. I opened box after box after box of D-grade versions of my pieces.
Hitting rock bottom, I slid down onto the floor of my office and cried. I needed help but had no idea where to find it.
And then Fang walked into my life. A Production Manager and my Angel.

That was the day my life changed
My hats and pieces have now graced the catwalks of New York Fashion Week and Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival.
I’ve hit all the big goals that I had for my label early on but it’s been five gruelling years of trial, error, expensive mistakes and plenty of lessons.
But as soon as I had the right person in my corner, the pathway cleared.
I just needed the right support, from someone who knew the ropes.

The beginning of Fashion Source Connect
In 2019, I felt I had finally found my purpose - helping other budding fashion designers launch and grow their business.
I have been where you are, with a creative idea and a clear vision, but feeling stressed and overwhelmed with no idea how to reach the end goal.
But now I do. And I want to help you get there.
Fashion Source Connect is the business that I so desperately needed when I was starting out.
And I can’t wait to help lead you to the other side.
Heather x